This is part 7 in a series of posts describing Apple2TC. The start is in Part 1 . Part 6 introduced our SSA-based Intermediate Representation. In this part we look at a running IR example and how it is transformed by our decompiler pipeline. Introducing The Example To demonstrate the utility of our IR, we have devised a slightly contrived example that nevertheless illustrates challenges encountered in real code. The source of the example can be seen here: . We assembled it with a6502: a6502 ex.s ex.b33 and disassembled it: apple2tc ex.b33 --asm > ex.lst Producing the following listing: /*0300*/ TSX /*0301*/ INX /*0302*/ INX /*0303*/ LDY M_0101,X ; $0101 /*0306*/ INY /*0307*/ STY M_90 ; $0090 /*0309*/ LDA M_91 ; $0091 /*030B*/ STA M_92 ; $0092 /*030D*/ L