Reading the replies to this comment (and the ones around it) in Slashdot, it is somewhat shocking to realize how short sighted most posters are - considering these are Linux users, which we should assume means something. These people are content to reinstall their OS every six months and couldn't possibly imagine why one wouldn't want to, or why not all software in existence can be in their favorite distro's repository. The problem is not that these people exist, but that apparently they are the target audience of popular Linux desktop distributions. This worries me. At least with Windows you know that there is a "design committee" somewhere in Redmond, trying to do the right thing; they don't end up doing it, but they at least try to approach it intelligently. What am I saying - apparently they do succeed, and the proof is in the pudding - 98% of the desktop market share. Recently there were discussions in Slashdot about PulseAudio. The latest attempt